Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:35 PM
Subject: trade show etiquette
Could you settle a dispute between a client and I? He wants to send a letter saying “Thank you for visiting our booth. It was nice to meet you.†to attendees at a show on 10/16. I say it’s too late for thank you so we should send a different message. We look inefficient since we couldn’t get a form letter out in 6 weeks!!! What do you think?
Great web site, I enjoy reading your blog.
Pamela Bir
Your Computer Lady
“Your Bridge to Productivityâ€
Dear Pamela-
Thanks very much for your interest and your question. I love your signature image!
I agree that it’s too late to send a simple “Thank you.†If that was the intention it should have been sent immediately. But you could send a “We enjoyed meeting you at our booth and thought you might be interested to know that ______________†(fill in the blank with something timely, connected with a news story or press release, and relevant to your industry and likely to be of interest to your group.)
Your client probably spent a lot of time and money collecting contacts at the trade show and I agree that it would be unfortunate to let it go much longer without sending something to these contacts.
-Paula Williams
Committed to Your Success
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